We are blessed to have many different clubs of all types for students to explore their various interests within the school community.
Girls on the Run is a 10 week positive youth development program for girls in grades 2-5. We will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00 to 4:15pm starting on September 16 and concluding on Sunday November 24th at our GOTR 5k!
Mrs. Lauren Wisniewski
[email protected]
Students in grades 4-8 have the opportunity to learn and play chess, and improve their skills. Members will also learn chess notation in order to participate in informal games and tournament play.
Mrs. Christina Harrington
[email protected]
Check back soon for details.
Let's help save our planet! We will learn about what effects the age of Man is causing on our planet Earth, and what we can do to reduce any destructive effects. We will investigate and learn various strategies to improve our surroundings. Students in grades 5-8 are welcome to join us every other Wednesday after school from 3:00 to 3:45pm.
Mrs. Opladen
Students in grades 6-8 have the opportunity to serve as lectors at our weekly school Masses by becoming members of Liturgy Club. Students develop personal responsibility as they prepare both independently and with moderators and hone their public speaking skills as they proclaim the Word. Above all, students gain a deeper understanding of the centrality of the Mass to our Catholic faith as the "source and summit" of the Christian life.
Ms. Emmy Watkins
301-474-3993 | [email protected]
The National Junior Honor Society members provide peer tutoring for Holy Redeemer School on Thursdays during the lunch-recess period, assist with honor roll and award ceremonies, sell ice cream daily during recess, serve as tour guides and representatives during special school functions, and lead the school in various service projects throughout the academic year. In past years members have also held bake sales to raise money for those in need and have participated in Operation Welcome Home.
The National Junior Honor Society at Holy Redeemer School is named The St. Joseph Chapter in order to honor St. Joseph because by his holy life he modeled faith, quality of honor, and service. The five pillars of the Society are Scholarship, Leadership, Citizenship, Service, and Character. Students in grades 6th through 8th are invited to apply for membership to the National Junior Honor Society after the first two quarters of the academic year if they have earned a grade point average of 3.5 or better.
Check back soon for details.
Students vote for our School officers and representatives from among the student body. Elected officers and representatives meet to plan service activities, such as the St. Mark's Food Drive, St. Ann's Baby Goods Drive, and raising money for the American Diabetes Association.
Some fun activities include Super Hero Day and Strawberry & Chocolate Milk Day. Our students show responsibility by collecting money on Dress Down Days, putting together the Alex's Lemonade Stand, and helping with other service projects throughout the year. They also serve as school ambassadors for our Open Houses and Grandparents' Day. It is a wonderful experience in leadership for students in 4th through 8th grades.
Mrs. Lauren Wisniewski
[email protected]
The Holy Redeemer School Children’s Choir is led by our music teacher, Dr. Elliot Hayes. The choir serves as an introduction to proper use of their vocal instrument, musicianship, ear training and sight singing skills. Music is an essential element in the spiritual formation of children. This process cultivates a sense of responsibility, commitment, self-discipline, confidence, and poise. Participants will learn sacred music, rounds and canons, chorales, and patriotic songs.
The choir meets every Thursday after school from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm in the Music Room. They sing the first Wednesday school Mass each month, the first Sunday 10:00 a.m. Mass for the parish, and special occasions throughout the school year. All students in 4th-8th grade are welcome to join the choir.
Dr. Elliot Hayes
[email protected]
Each year the 5th though 8th grade music classes participate in a musical. Students take on all aspects including set design, lighting, sound, stage crew, props, costume design, and of course the on-stage acting and singing. The musical production is counted toward the students’ grade for their third and fourth semester music class. The musical is announced late November, auditions begin late January and show time is in May. Some of our previous shows included: Cinderella, The King and I, Alladin, and School House Rock, Beauty and the Beast, Big Bad Musical and Life-School Musical.
Dr. Elliot Hayes
[email protected]
The Yearbook Club meets October thru March. The club is offered to 8th graders and meets in the Computer Lab using a web based program to design the book. Students use the school camera to take pictures, learn how to download and re-size pictures for layouts, and the many processes that are required to publish a yearbook. The Yearbook Club is an opportunity for students to work together to capture memories and events of the the school year.
Check back soon for details.